Tag Archives: challange

In the Midst of Frustration…

3 Jun
Life can be so unfair at times especially when  unpleasant things happen. Just when you thought you had the victory over something, something  else happens. Many times when you least expect  it…or am I the only one???
Unpleasant  situations are a test to see how you will react or act in the midst of your  situation. This Morning I was challenged to stay calm,… hold my peace  and hold on to every promise God has given me.
It’s easy to praise  God when life is full of blessings and all is going as planned. But what if your expectations are being cut off or your plans  fail??
What I’m realizing is that I have a choice to either let the  situation just get to me and just mess up my whole day or that I will  choose to Praise in the midst of my frustration.
I am reminded by Gods word in Psalm 34:3-4 that “His loving kindness is better than life”. So whatever life  brings me, I know that….  “He will never leave me nor forsake me”…….because
“His loving kindness is better than life itself!”
I don’t know what Life has brought you on this day! Remember, you have a  choice! What will you choose today, to be pitiful or to be powerful?  Know that as long as you are alive there is a way out, just put your  trust in God.

Keep your joy, keep praising Him, cause the word of God says “the Joy of the Lord is my strength”.


From my heart to you,

Mireille Cicilia

Like a butterfly….

28 May

Butterflies develop through metamorphosis, a Greek word that means transformation or change in shape.  Thus in many cultures the shape changing butterfly is a symbol of transformation,  transition, and resurrection associated with the soul.

Metamorphosis has a very powerful spiritual truth. This radical transformation in lifestyle is the perfect illustration of the spiritual transformation that takes place when anyone puts his or her faith in Christ and receives the gift of new life that God offers.

In Romans we are reminded not be conformed which means [not to become like minded] by the world, but that we need to be transformed by the renewing of our mind in order for us to know and understand the perfect will of God.

“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” ~Rom.12:2~

Lets look at these following questions that can help you to deal with transformation, ask your self

  • Is there something from my past that I am still allowing to linger in my heart and mind, even after asking God’s   forgiveness? We need to know who we are in Christ Jesus. The bible tells us that, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. ~2 Corinthians 5:17~

Take Gods word at heart and ask him to give you the faith to believe and hold on to what His word tells you.  Practice  this daily, remember transformation takes time. Take captive every thought that keeps tripping you and do this regularly.

  • Am I listening to the voice of the enemy concerning a past situation, and allowing him to pull me down to a state of doubt with his lies? If that is the case make sure you fight back with the Word of God.  Write down the particular area or challenge and look up scriptures out of the word of God about that specific challenge your facing.

For example when the enemy comes and tells you you can not do anything in life or that you can not accomplish                  a certain challenge. You speak right back at him with It is written I can do all things through Christ who                   strengthens me.” ~Philipians 4:13~

So as we persevere in this Metamorphoses of emotions and changes in our journey with Christ, know that one day at a time you are becoming like that beautiful butterfly. Beautiful, transformed, changed, renewed, restored all for the glory of our Christ Jesus.

But also for this very reason, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue, to virtue knowledge, to knowledge self-control, to self-control perseverance, to perseverance godliness, to godliness brotherly kindness, and to brotherly kindness love. For if these things are yours and abound, you will be neither barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

2 Peter 1:4-8


From my heart to you,

Mireille Cicilia


16 Apr

You can’t  spell CHA-LLE-NGE without CHANGE.

Many times we want to face our challenges without changing what we were used to do.

Something is a challenge when we realise all of a sudden that we need something or someone else to be able to overcome.

a demanding or stimulating situation
difficulty in a job or undertaking that is stimulating   

While the ability to face the challange is in our own hands.

To face our CHA-LLE-NGE ….WE need to change.

#1. First Change our mindset, we cannot overcome something with the same mentality as yesterday

#2. Second Rise “be the change you want to see”

#3. Third we need to be disciplined to remind ourself to the change that we made

#4. Fourth Follow torough, when something becomes a discipline it eventually becomes a habit

#5. As you get used to the habit evenually it will become a lifestyle.


So today! every challenge we face in life will be to change the man & woman we ought to be.

From my desk to yours…
