Tag Archives: Virtues

In pursuit of the Proverbs 31 woman

18 May

proverbs 31 timelinecover copy (851x315)

The Proverbs 31 woman is one of my favorite portions when talking about the values and principles of women.

For years this proverb felt like a thread to me because I felt like I would never be able to contain any of these virtues mentioned in this piece. Not so long ago I heard an awesome lady preaching at our church and I admired her: she was outgoing, kind and sweet, I admired her charisma, her boldness, her faith, the way she preached and I was looking at her and admired all these qualities she had. Then suddenly as she was preaching and telling about the wonderful journeys and encounters she had with God in her ministry, in her business and in her marriage she said with confidence and Boldness “I Am a proverbs 31 woman” .

It was like something jumped inside of me saying thats it! So what kept me busy was that the portion that made me feel overwhelmed before of being a prov.31 wife, mother or woman now became a desire to pursue these qualities one day at a time.

So I will be writing a series of my pursuit of being a proverbs 31 woman, wife & mother. So stay connected!

From my heart to you,

Mireille Cicilia